A Whirlwind Of Excitement
We did it! With the boys all checked out by the doctor and approved for travel, we packed up and headed home the afternoon of the 20th. We left around 4:00 with the hopes that the boys would sleep in the car on the way. WRONG! Seems they were just as excited as we were to get on the road and they were busy watching the car lights and checking for all the Rest Stops!
The children were all about making new memories of Christmas in their new home. Tessa has become the community “care” giver. She and her friend Zoe with the help of a grandmother (not this one) sewed “Poland Street Spirit” pillows and delivered them on Christmas Eve to every home on their street.
PopPop, Nene and I got to work on the next part of the memory making season. Erika was raised in New Mexico so a great deal of her traditions stem from her childhood memories. We would work to line the walkway with luminaries. Erika will call them by another name and while I have tried to find the proper word, I am pressed to get this post finished so I will have to come back with that later.
By 10am we were in Waynesboro and by noon the grandkids were off the bus and we were all enjoying a bit of a reunion. Why does it seem they grow inches in just a month or so? With a dad at 6’5” and mom at 6’ what else should I expect? Each are going through a growth spurt both in height and shoe sizes. Night comes quickly for Greg and I as we had not had much sleep but not without the warm glow from the fireplace to set the mood for the week! Cooler temps and Christmas are so much better with the glow of the flames!
Over the next couple of days we were able to squeeze in some last minute shopping, a pedicure for the girls, lunch with Robin and then our Christmas time with Robin and the kids. A gingerbread house, movie and a bit of dominoes made the day complete.
The children were all about making new memories of Christmas in their new home. Tessa has become the community “care” giver. She and her friend Zoe with the help of a grandmother (not this one) sewed “Poland Street Spirit” pillows and delivered them on Christmas Eve to every home on their street.
This of course is followed by more fun. The children and adults would gather and work to make tamales for dinner. This would be a process of taking the husk wrap and placing the matzo inside in a thin layer and then placing either a layer of chicken and green chili or pork and red chili mixture. You gently roll them back and forth to form a tamale and then seal with strips of the husks. You will set those aside and later steam them for the meal. It was quite the production and kept us all busy and would prove to provide a meal or two later.
PopPop, Nene and I got to work on the next part of the memory making season. Erika was raised in New Mexico so a great deal of her traditions stem from her childhood memories. We would work to line the walkway with luminaries. Erika will call them by another name and while I have tried to find the proper word, I am pressed to get this post finished so I will have to come back with that later.
Dinner around the table, the annual Pajama exchange and all are tucked in anticipation of the “big” guy!
Christmas morning was magical as the kids come see what made its way down the chimney. Tessa, the scientist would find treasures in the sky with her telescope and then maybe help develop a cure for the Coronavirus with her microscope. Elinor would be skateboarding and making slime for the new year while Ian would join in skateboarding and shooting some hoops.
The rest of the day would take us to the dog park to stretch little and long legs before the afternoon when Mike and Erika would be hosting a “Fetty Family” gathering. My sister Laura, little brother, Mark and wife, Sylvia and their families would come share in some food and conversation for the afternoon. We surely missed our older brother, Ray and his wife Tina. And of course our dad was invited to attend but was not feeling well enough. It was a great day as we got to see Kevin, Kelsey, Christopher and Cody.
And the last of our visit would be with Jen and Janek. They come up to Waynesboro the day after Christmas where we all meet for a hike up through Beagle Gap to Little Calf Mountain. What glorious views of the mountains!
We would follow that with lunch at a local brewery and exchanging of gifts.
It was a power packed week……packed full of love…..fun…..and a heart full of gratitude to our kids and our extended family for making it the perfect week.
The boys picture describes it all in a nutshell…….we are all exhausted but we will continue to smile with warm thoughts of family.
We are back at Paradigm Shift working to get tested, provision a bit and make sure all systems are a go for a New Year or soon there after departure for the Bahamas.
Happy New Year All!!!!
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