De’ja Vu
We have honored the quarantine and are about ready to break loose but once again we are at the mercy of the testing sites. Unfortunately (I am not sure I have mentioned this before) there are no home test kits to be found anywhere in the area. Heck even Amazon says it will not have any available until the end of the month. So we will head to the testing facility tomorrow and once again stand in line and wait.

It has been a long eight days now and I wish I had something to show for it. Maybe the floors could have been cleaned and all the windows…….I did get some of the louvered doors in the main salon and galley cleaned. But to be honest I have been lazy. I have allowed whatever this Omicron thing is to have its way so that I can get over it quicker. I have a tendency to fight through a cold and as I told others, I would typically have gone to work with this. But I have rested, drank my water, pushed my vitamins and eaten my well balanced diet. Feeling much better today I am still nervous about what the results may show on a test as much like a DNA test, there is no fooling the system.

Today we will put the gears back into motion and start preparing for what we hope to be a Friday departure. Our hope is to depart Heart Harbor Friday morning and get to No Name Harbor near Miami. We will then set ourselves up to cross Saturday morning for Bimini Sands Resort. Just the name makes me feel better.
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