Making Our Lists and Checking ThemTwice
Lists, lists and more lists…….. What to take home for good just to get it off the boat. What to take home to wear for cooler weather. Are gifts packed and ready? There is a list for those. What to purchase while at home. Are the boys treats, food, pee pads, toys, winter sweaters packed? Items shipped home that I need to inventory and make sure we bring back with us. List of items needed for Bahamas from grocery store that may be gotten at home. You get the picture. So I make all these lists so that I can check it both ways as I don’t want to leave anything at home that needs to be back on the boat. With just a day or so before we leave, we have moved from our original site to another site across the way to what we refer to as the Train location. Paradigm Shift will be out of the way and safe and secure while we are away. So we wait for Enterprise to open on Monday, hopefully we an get our car early as we need to take the boys to the veterinarian for their Bahamas check...