Off the Dock on a New Adventure!

Kemah, TX All good things……must come to an end????? Our news is that Ti Amo will be sailing to a new home this summer. We will miss the sport of sailing, but look forward to our future. We know that she is in great hands with her new owners and we look forward to helping them get acclimated to Ti Amo and getting her to her new forever home. While the decision to sell Ti Amo was a tough one, the purchase of our new vessel was an easy one. Sauvy B became known to us through an acquaintance we made on our last trip to Florida. We were in Saint Augustine when we met Bill and Shelly Kessinger on Holokai, a Selene 53. We somehow invited ourselves aboard their boat and enjoyed a tour thinking all along there was no way we would ever find a Selene. As luck would have it, Bill and Shelly knew of one coming on the market in their home area. Once we got home and made the decision to look at Sauvy B located in Kemah Texas, we were on our way to take o...