Outside to Virginia

Urbanna, VA The decision has been made and our weather guru has confirmed that we should take the outside route home and should make our Urbanna target sometime Wednesday afternoon/evening. We have a great crew that are ready to once again begin our watches of four hours on and four hours off. Sometimes it is difficult to sleep during the day but we find you have to force yourself to take some down time so that you are sharp for your next watch. Some of us were better at that than others but we got the job done. Next stop is Urbanna. We are on our way and we have four nights and five mornings with sunsets and sunrises and many beautiful miles of blue ocean waters. Patiently waiting and watching…….counting down the miles, the hours and praying that with each day the weather will continue to cooperate so that we make our target date home. And there it is…..the sign I always look for……the Norris Bridge let’s me know we are home.