Catching up

It has been a while since we last posted so I thought we should catch up on things happening aboard Paradigm Shift. Our first days home would be spent washing the hull and the windows to get all the salt off from the two week trip home from Kemah, Texas. Normally it would be Greg and I working to clean her up but unfortunately we had a small incident that would put Greg out of commission for a bit. Seems as he was disembarking from the boat he reached back over to do something and “miss stepped” and fell into the water. He injured his shoulder and knee and could not do anything but wait for an appointment with his orthopedic surgeon to make sure he had not torn his rotator cuff repair. With that, our grandson, Ian picked up and helped to get the job done. Our orthopedic appointment gave us better news than we anticipated. The thought was that he possibly had torn some of the scar tissue and possibly had some inflammation that would take a “Predpak” to help ...