On to Great Bridge
We had a nice leisurely breakfast this morning and then pulled up anchor with hopes of getting on the free docks at the Great Bridge Locks.
Our journey with Paradigm Shift started in Kemah, Texas where we had purchased her (then known as Sauvy B). Robert and Carolyn Chancellor cared for this vessel for years and maintained her in the best shape one could only hope for when buying an older vessel.
When we purchased Paradigm Shift there were a few things we needed to do and a couple things we wanted to change. Carolyn was such a great seamstress and thought through every detail she had put into the vessel so changing anything, while difficult, needed our own touch. We kept some of the existing decor but changed the cover on the sofa and changed the flooring to show the beautiful teak and holly while adding a runner down the heavier traveled area.
Some folks have asked if we preferred motoring over sailing. I must say when we approached one of the first bridges on the ICW today, with a mast height of 62 feet, our sailboat had to wait for the bridge tender to open the bridge. Paradigm Shift has a height of 26 feet which meant we could pass under with room to spare. Wow…..what a nice change. Not having to time each bridge opening takes some stress off using the ICW.
As we tie up at the Great Bridge free dock, the geese fly in to let us know we are all heading in the right direction. South it is!
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